Thursday, May 16, 2013


Cereals, also known as cereals or grains are a group of plants that are grown to be harvested seed / grain as a source of carbohydrate / starch.
Most cereal is a member of the tribe of grains and cereals are called as true. Member of the most recognized and have high economic value, thus it is known as the main cereal crops are rice, corn, wheat, durum wheat, barley, oat, and rye. Some grain crops are not whole grains are also often called pseudo cereals (pseudocereals); include buckwheat, amaranth grains (amaranth seed), and quinoa. Some cereals are also known as feed songbirds, such as barley and various types of millet. Although producing starch, plants such as sago, tapioca, or potato is not classified as a cereal because it was not harvested grain / seed.
The cereals cultivated on a large scale throughout the world, surpassing all other crops and a source of energy for humans and livestock. In some developing countries, cereals are often the only source of carbohydrate.
The term "cereal" is taken from the name of the Roman goddess of agriculture: Ceres.

Rice Crops in Indonesia

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