Thursday, May 16, 2013


Nuts are non-botanical term commonly used to refer to a number of seed legumes (but not all). In everyday conversation, nuts are also used to refer to the fruit (pod) or even plants that produce it. In Jakarta, the word "nut" is usually meant to peanut pods. This word is actually used to describe dried beans like kidney shaped and eaten after drying.
Definition of "bean" is not the same as the nut in English, but closer to understanding the pulse coupled with soy, peanuts and some vegetables legumes (beans).
Nuts usually contain protein and / or fat is quite high, so that many are valued as food is important. Dried legume seeds are large and contain a lot of starch usually called "beans", but rather "kara" or "koro".
In the context of food, "bean" is also used to accompany the name of the processed food products are usually made ​​from peanuts.


  • Peanuts
  • Bogor peanuts
  • Green beans
  • Soybean
  • Cashews
  • Red beans    

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